
The Lunch Bunch program, open to the 2 Day AM, 3 Day AM, 4 Day PM, and 5 Day AM classes, is held from 11:45 – 1:00pm with the exception of school closures for holidays, professional days, snow days, and field trips.

At the 11:45 dismissal time, the morning children will join up with those afternoon students participating in the Lunch Bunch program who will be dropped off a little earlier than their 1:00 class start. The idea behind the program is to give students a chance to extend their Berrybrook day and have a relaxing lunch and extra gross motor play with their friends and teachers. Families will be expected to provide a healthy, peanut-free lunch. Enrollment in Lunch Bunch will be revoked if the nut-free rules are violated. This practice is to ensure a safe environment for all.

For families with two children attending Lunch Bunch, a 20% discount will be applied to the lesser LB rate.

Families may sign up for one day of the week, a few, or all days that your child attends! For example, your child will come every Tuesday, or Wednesdays and Thursdays, etc. for the duration of the year.

Lunch Bunch Program Cost 2025-2026

Frequency Yearly Cost
1 day per week $ 890.00
2 days per week $1,680.00
3 days per week $2,400.00
4 days per week $3,040.00
5 days per week $3,610.00

Tuition Assistance

For families who have been awarded Tuition Assistance, a 20% reduction of Lunch Bunch programming cost will be awarded. Please see the full Tuition Assistance policy for purpose and procedure of tuition assistance funded by the Helen Wheeler Scholarship Fund.

More information about this confidential Tuition Assistance process can be requested from Stacy Watts, Head of School.